About some of these concerns, I had just read this article… probably you all have already read it, probably not, but I write here its link:
“Updates to Medium’s Curation and Distribution System” di Medium Writers https://link.medium.com/QamH51YMhab
I don’t think it’s of any help to solve the issues. Maybe just read Medium’s beliefs of what’s right for its readers, editors and writers in their opinion.
I will try to adjust as much as I can and I will give it a period to experiment it. Then, I will decide what to do.
After all, with 1500 followers, in 18 months, my highest earning has been $3, 60 and some; this month just 0,45cents… And I’m not talking about money per sè; in fact, this math tells me that I am 'followed' by a ghost audience. If I decide to leave M, I have nothing to lose. I’ll only be grateful for the opportunity offered to go public as a writer and an editor and my personal relationships with a few wonderful writers, which in the event of leaving, I hope to maintain.