Dear Darshak Rana,
I like the wisdom of your poetry. Here you are pointing out a concern that is absolutely coherent. I agree with you: fear is a sneaky killer.
In Italy, it’s already almost a month and a half that we are enclosed within our 4 walls… personally, I go out half an hour for groceries twice a week. Media are bombarding us every minute of the 24 hours about Covid19: new laws, political reactions to the government decisions, stories of people who survived and of those who didn’t, numbers, statistics, warnings, studies and research, history of previous pandemics, and so on.
It’s now almost two weeks that my family stopped watching TV channels. We couldn’t bear to listen a second more those overexcited voices arguing constantly with each other via their Zoom live connections.
I think there’s a point when our mind cannot receive any more information before organising it in a clear conscious thought. And my consciousness has now a simple vision about this ordeal of our life: enjoy my family presence; our house comfortable space; our freedom to follow natural rhythms waking up and eating when we feel like; I can read and write and plan freely. We acknowledged that. As long as we follow the rules, it’s impossible to get the virus.
I don’t overthink it anymore and this kind of life is just the way it is. A new phase of conscious acceptance based on relentless patience… it doesn’t involve too much thinking anymore.
The real problems could arise when people will stop being paid for their jobs. At that point, when people won’t have anything to put in their children’s mouths, as we say, they will break out of isolation because, in the end, what matters it’s their own offsprings’ survival. It’s unfair to have to choose between children’s death and elder category’s death. Fortunately, in Italy, we are still far from that extreme dreadful situation.
So, there we go by living in our houses with the consciousness of Covid19 somewhere lingering around, but with a new relaxing daily routine in our house and, when possible, virtually or physical, with the best company ever: our own family.
Human life needed an inward expansion and we needed an invisible enemy to generate this change. Sometimes I wonder: this is nature own doing and, if nature is our mother as generator of all life, she had to protect us, right? And how? Using castigation in the same way a parent does with their own children when disobeying to the rules… the more important the infringement, the harder the punishment. A simple reproach was insufficient… humans were having a relentless tantrum, which needed to be addressed firmly.
I don’t overthink it anymore, what it comes, it comes. Acceptance. My fear subsided. Life brings problems every time as challenges to pass over as we did always with any other problem. We need just to keep going, day after day, without thinking about the day after. We only need to accept, be patient trusting our resilience ability, and as for everything else, repeat.