Greg Prince I cannot imagine how LL left this astounding poem down! I think that your free and creative virtuoso moment has come out in all its impetus and impactful mode! That’s what a poet should always allow and look for … no laws, no restraints, no rules, no surrender! Poets throw themselves into life, they follow their Muse, break walls and barriers, experiment free fall, let art explode in its total liberating and healing freedom!
You made me imagine, see, feel all at once! Great metaphor that you created with vivid imagery, excited rhythm… a highly impactful poem!
Letting down this poem means abjure poetry and every form of art!
Art breaks walls and barriers. Art creates new worlds, expand mind and feelings; it makes the impossible possible. As you say, we tend to put leashes, but not this time! The water needs to rush down cliffs and plains free, with no restraints.
I felt as I were this hurried water myself! I imagined going rafting down the Rio Grande, bumping against rocks, falling down the cliffs…
I thank you for this poem and I hope that you are proud of it because what you call craziness, I name it genius!