Hi Meg!
Thank you for sharing this great idea. Usually, I write on my Android note app and, if I cannot use my hands because busy with something (especially when I walk my dog!), I record it vocally using the microphone feature.
Moreover, when I am driving, I also record orally my idea, but in case my children are in the car with me, I split the message in 3 parts, asking them to memorize one. As soon as I have the possibility to write or record by microphone my idea, I ask my guys to repeat for me their fragments (they have young, excellent good memory!), which I fix on my note app immediately.
However, I think your blog event on the calendar is also a great system, in particular for the possibility to set an alarm! I will certainly try your method and I will combine my favorite color — purple — to all, in order to recognize them at the first glance!
Thank you! :)