I found your article very interesting since my two children attend the same school (IB DP) here in Italy. Actually, my daughter has just finished the DP2, but my son has still next year to complete the program.
I’ve found a few differences, though, in the organisation of your school because, being the IB, I know how much strict they are with their curricular programs. So, the fact that you only follow 4 classes struck me because, normally, the path involve a minimum of 6 subjects (3 high level and 3 standard level), the Extended Essay and the TOK. So, I wonder how you only have 4 instead of 6 subjects and how you managed the other stuff, IAs, papers and discussions.
When you say 4 subjects, do you mean you just skip the attendance of your STEM ones, but you are present for the other ones?
Don’t your tutor or professors call and check on you, by contacting your parents? This is what normally happens in my children’s school… I know because I’ve experienced it.
I’m asking all this because as our school tends to justify all of their decisions “because the IBO want it like this and it’s exactly the same for all their 5000 schools in the world”, knowing that it’s not exactly as they say, it could help parents to find a precedent to question the school ways, if those are not supportive or constructive for our kids' results.
Thank you for sharing your successful experience, and congratulations on your school achievements!