I kept my breath through the reading for as much tension I felt! I can’t decide if you’re in a mad challenge with pain and death or if you are a desperate victim of the capitalist system. Please, enlighten me on your motivation behind such an against-survival will.
Don’t get me wrong… I admire you for your cool self-control and cold blood reactions to the fire-symbiotic relationship, but I’m just trying to understand why you would do such a dangerous job.
All of the sudden, those super-paid electricians working at the most dangerous job place, high on top of electric poles, now seem as only having a relaxing picnic in the heavenly position close to birds and sky!
But thank you for sharing this flabbergasting experience because if you hadn’t, I wouldn’t ever know, naively, that it was so daring and dangerous. I trusted that stunts were absolutely safe in their work, but they’re not. Burns and blisters are painful and scarring… they’re not nothing!
I know already that from now on, every time I’ll be watching a movie fire scene, I will think about you, wondering and worrying if you came out safe from that!
I cannot even say trust your guts because as you told, you are working against them. So, do plan with analytical precision.
Thank you, Glen Levy for this thrilling non-fiction story. Very interesting reading your reflections about how a human mind deals with a primal fear as fire.
Above all, the best Good Luck…