I understand, thank you Casey Botticello!
About a publication: My followers will be automatically included in it or I will have to send out personal invitations? If I start a publication, will I still have my profile page active?
I am creating an internet site www.scrivoforyou.com for professionals and small brands in Italy that are interested to have an italian (sharing same culture, ways, etc) writing (=scrivo)and searching contents in English for a global market, let’s say.
Then, I am looking for finding a way to create an email list and maybe a landing page for my personal authorial writing interest and I’d like to keep it connected with Medium.
In the end, I will have two sorts of platforms to maintain current and up to date. If I start also a publication, I wonder if I will be able to manage all.
Perhaps, I should organize them as a train, deciding which should be my locomotive and the 1st, 2nd wagons, connecting them in some ways… Certainly, my scrivoforyou.com will be my major source of income, as I see it now… then, I need to think how to connect it with and within the emailing list, the landing page, the publication, my Medium page…
I need to figure out something quick, as on the 29th, I have an important occasion coming up.
Thank you again for your answer… I trust your knowledge and expertise very much.