Thank you, Kasia, for sharing your balanced reflections on hate speech and articles. I also read that article and it made me shiver because I realized that humanity hasn't progressed much since the infamous era of Nazi-fascism. Actually, I was wondering how it was possible that Medium allowed such a low and violent piece. I thought, well that's right, otherwise it would involve using censorship, but Medium isn't Facebook. Instead and surprisingly, I come to find that they censored your article, which I was not lucky enough to find and read before it was banned.
For what it's worth, I agree with you in everything. If this wickedness emerges from a pandemic, I dare not imagine what will happen in 10-15 years, when the entire planet will meet its end because of the climate change deniers! If a pandemic causes a blind fear like this, how is it that they do not turn the same fury against those deniers, since a triggering reason for this infection and the next ones to come (and surely they will come!) was caused by the climatic change?!
Unfortunately, the stupidest way to blame one another is still rampant. Governments are watching and instead of educating these people, they are inciting them to show the worst of themselves by instilling fear in them ... And this is what really scares me!
Thank you and good luck with this one... Let's see how long it will last before the scissors.