Thank you Martine!
Thank you a lot for your encouragement! 💞 I love your work and it’s rewarding me that you spend so much time with me. I really appreciate chatting and exchanging a few ideas with you!
I agree and I also think that I always wrote my heart out, as you say, because that is what I’m only able to do.
I never put a great effort into curation. Actually, until only 2 — 3 months ago, I thought naively that curation was normal for everybody. As long as I wrote accurately and by heart, I would automatically fall in the process. But it’s not. Indeed I never put a real effort in this. But it would have been nice if this curation-experience happened at least one time to me too.
But now, as I wrote, I’m careless and free! I’m not publishing every day because I do it only when I am sure my stuff is ready. I don’t like to write under pressure and I love to take my time to interact with you all. I can’t fix myself on publishing on Medium 24/7.
I enjoy doing also other things and playing and listening to music is more than a hobby for me. I have my orchestra and it requires time and involvement as well. For instance, yesterday I was all day busy with music and I didn’t even switched on my pc!
Here, in this old pic, I had short hair.
… And I love making cakes and decorating them:
These are only two of the activities I do, but I’m involved in many more. And not to mention my family, my friends, my freelance activity, and the time I dedicate to reading 2–3 hours every day!
So I really cannot write or publish everyday unfortunately! I cannot divert from my life only because of Medium.
But now I took consciousness that I am who I am and I accept what it’s coming anyway grateful, because I really love what I’m doing and where I’m going!😊 I feel I’m the turtle in the race against the hare!😂
Thank you again, Martine, for being so supportive!😘